Monday, June 2, 2008

huntington beach and climbing things

this past weekend was pretty amazing.

kenny, one of my good friends from high school in atlanta, was out here in cali, so we met up this saturday in long beach. we then drove to huntington beach and newport beach with his 9 sisters (+/- 5) and 1 cousin. we toasted hotdogs, smores, and of course corn. then, ~6 more friends of his cousin met us on the beach, and we all played football until the sun set. within the last 6 years, i've always lived within 5 miles of either the atlantic of pacific ocean. but this confirmed for me that wherever i choose to live once when i'm done with school, i want it to be near an ocean.

sunday, i joined ucla's outdoor adventure group to go rock climbing. i had only rock climbed twice before, both of which were indoors. so, apparently outdoor rocks are not the same as indoor ones. the rocks aren't made of hard plastic w/ semi-conveniently-located handle grips strategically placed throughout. the event lasted around 8 hrs and was an amazing time.

it's good to know our lives were in good hands.


  1. well at least he still had a handle on the rope... heh... looks like a sweet time though... :-D

  2. dude, i'm so glad my harsh training regiment paid off. you'd be dead without me. i saved your life.

    surprisingly, you actually look like you know what you are doing on that rock.

    looks like a good weekend.

  3. man it is good to know he was confident enough for a nap
