Sunday, September 14, 2008

indonesia - day 1!

it's so amazing. a few sentences can't do it justice, so i won't even try. just imagine: canals, stray goats, roosters, traffic beyond nyc but w/ ojeks and motorbikes, and a full meal for $3. sheley's amazing, and she's fluent enough to takte care of us :)

we're goin to bali tomorrow!


  1. hello ,
    im a teenager who likes to shoot
    you too you like photography "besides hundreds of interests" anyway
    if you r interested
    i hope you can visit my blog and tell me how is my shots
    if you would like to share your shots with me ,arabianbloggers and others
    you are invited to be an auther in this blog
    you can write your comments on the blog

    or you can contact me on

    just send me your e mail and you will be welcom to the party
    the blog is in arabic so go down till you see the pics

    pleas tell me can i shoot or not

  2. culture shock?
    i had to look up "ojek."
    looks like you are having a great time!

  3. Holy crap, you're 14 hours ahead. Try not to give me any spoilers about what happens in the future.
