Friday, January 11, 2008

UCLA is the best

okay, so my 1st quarter at UCLA was pretty exhausting in the sense of maintaining a healthy balance; i worked out daily, got 7-8 hrs of sleep a night, went out many weekends, commuted via bus, which all ultimately left me to about 1 hr of studying per day. and, there were personal things that drained me, such as my credit card being stolen, car broken into, and family stuff. somehow, i still got a 4.0. go figure.

well, i've fallen in love w/ UCLA. there are so many things that make me proud to be here, from the:
  • the academic rigor
    • abundance of smart people (avg gpa of entering class is 4.3 (out of 4))
    • my program's faculty is ranked 10th in nation
    • check out our nationally-ranked programs
  • multi-dimensionality:
    • people with real humanity majors, such as art and journalism.. and they're VERY good at it
    • real sports teams--we've won more NCAA championships than anyone
  • resources:
    • 10th biggest library system in the nation
    • 3 floors dedicated just to computer science, not just 1/2 of a small floor like at FIT
    • just walk around campus... you'll see what i mean
and mainly, the thing that made me comfortable being here is finally getting some financial assistance. they told me it was nearly impossible to get funding as a master's student. well, i came here, forced my way in, and by my 2nd quarter, i'm a half TA for AI. tuition isn't fully covered, but i'm on my way.

oh, this quarter is very taxing, so, just as a head's up. i might have to drop a class. don't expect a 4.0 from me. i'm happy to be here. this is where i want to be. i can't imagine a better school in the world. it's in LA, man. i'm glad i didn't choose columbia or brown, definitely.


  1. super sweet, home skillet... and everything that Brian said... but in italics.

    lemme of your free time this semester... to, you know, hang out and stuff. :-D

  2. it makes me happy that you are satisfied with your choice.

    congrats on the 4.0, man!!! You Never Told Me This!

    good luck with your new semester. your work ethic will carry you through.
