Sunday, September 16, 2007

cheapskate and old people

lately i've felt like a cheapskate by getting some really good deals:
last week in ralph's grocery store, as i entered the checkout line, i witnessed a crazy old white lady fueding w/ an african-american entertainer of some sorts. she claimed to be scared for her life and kept requesting to see the manager, despite the fact that the guy was on the phone and not paying her any attention. he was doing business calls and talked about doing photoshoots up in hollywood. next time i entered the grocery store's checkout, i looked around and saw the same exact crazy woman entering the checkout line w/ me again. (i think she lives there.)

i went to long beach to see brian this weekend, and our adventures included going to an irish pub. we witnessed an 80 yr old man (i'm not exaggerating) in a full suit dancing with the best looking girls in the bar! no joke. we were later explained by various females that he's a pervert who highly frequents the place... he attempts to kiss the girls at the end of each dance and often clings on and attaches himself as he is eye-level with certain female-specific attributes. :-/ pretty pathetic but at least funny to watch.

1 comment:

  1. dude, cheapskate and old people is another good band name. you come up with 'em left and right.

    thanks again for coming down. i always have a great time when we hang out.
